Virtual events

Bring people together in immersive, interactive spaces to connect, collaborate and have unforgettable and unprecedented experiences

Case study

Beyond Bored Apes: Yuga Labs levels up its metaverse on MSquared

Yuga Labs — creators of Bored Ape Yacht Club — ignited the NFT world. But its ambitions didn’t stop there. Enter: Otherside. This large-scale, gamified metaverse mixes MMORPG mechanics with web3, promising seamless interoperability and real-time interaction. And it’s powered by MSquared.

Events within Otherside demand massive scale and MSquared has delivered. 2nd Trip involved 7,200 players in a single space with high-fidelity graphics and natural voice chat. Dragon is the world’s most chaotic 3D shooter, its events also hosting thousands of simultaneous players. And now, with the Otherside Development Kit, Yuga is set to unleash its community’s creativity.

All this is a great showcase of Yuga’s vision for the future of metaverse gaming, creativity and online communities — and MSquared’s ability to power that future.

A screenshot of an Otherside metaverse event showing many players gathered around a large bored ape avatar, with a giant screen behind the avatar.
Case study

The BBC orchestrates groundbreaking classical concert with MSquared

As part of European R&D project MAX-R, the BBC and MSquared teamed up for a classical concert like no other. This bold performance of iconic video game themes unfolded in the BBC Philharmonic’s Manchester studio and the metaverse, all powered by MSquared tech.

Those in the virtual world found themselves in a unique, futuristic space brimming with interactive exhibits, live-streamed screens, and even a motion-captured conductor, Eímear Noone. The fusion of real-time interactivity, cutting-edge visuals, and live music brought fans of classical and gaming together, and proved the concept of live performances in virtual worlds.

A screenshot of the BBC orchestra concert, showing many players in a virtual performance space.

Morpheus Platform brings your ambitious virtual event to life, with unmatched player counts, next-gen graphics, crowd audio, and any-device support.

Looking to produce your own virtual event?Contact our team